Attractive grain; few pin knots; light to medium colour variation, light brushing and with micro bevel of 0,5mm on 4 sides.
Sound knots, small to medium knots allowed, occasional small filled knots; colour variation allowed; up to 10% sapwood; mineral streaks allowed, light brushing and with micro bevel of 0,5mm on 4 sides.
Knots allowed, any size filled and sanded knots; cracks and splits repaired with filler; colour variation allowed; up to 20% sapwood; mineral streaks allowed, light brushing, and with micro bevel of 0,5mm on 4 sides.
Composed of 30% K and 70% R, with light brushing and with micro bevel of 0,5mm on 4 sides.
Material with cracking of heart and sound knots and not, with strong brushing, and with micro bevel of 1 mm on 4 sides.
C/O Shri Kavish Resources PTE LTD 1003 Bukit Merah Central #06-07 Singapore 159836