We sources veneers from North America and Europe for our clients in Asia Pacific region. For more details contact the sales team.
Grade | |
Am. W-Oak | |
Crowns/Halfcrowns | |
AB | |
European W-Oak | AB |
Quarters | |
Approx. 5.000 m² @ | |
Crowns/Halfcrowns | |
European Knotty Oak | AB |
Complete Logs | |
Walnut | AB |
Complete Logs 2.10-2.70m | |
Approx. 10.000 m² @ | |
Complete Logs 2.10-3.10m | |
American Maple | AB |
Quarters 2.50-3.10m | |
Approx. 20.000 m² @ a | |
Complete Logs | |
Ash | A |
Crowns/Halfcrowns | |
Carolina Pine | AB |
Complete Logs 2.10-2.50 m | |
Beech Quarters | AB |
C/O Shri Kavish Resources PTE LTD 1003 Bukit Merah Central #06-07 Singapore 159836